Fukushima Live Video Feed.

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This News column will be dedicated to bringing you information on the Fukushima Nuclear Crisis.

Friday March 11, 2011  Japan and the rest of the World encountered one of   the worst Nuclear accidents humanity has ever experienced “The Fukushima Nuclear Plant disaster”.    The Fukushima Nuclear accident has been rated at the top of the scale as a Level 7 Nuclear disaster which is the absolute highest level on the scale! The Chernobyl  Nuclear Plant accident was also rated a 7 but by and large the difference between the two disasters is that Fukushima involves many more reactors and Chernobyl only involved  one. While taking that information into consideration it is easy to understand that while Fukushima has been rated a level 7 it is much more likely that it is much bigger than a level 7 accident.

Live Video Feed of Fukushima Nuclear Plant Reactors

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